The meaning of NISARGA is NATURE. The organization came into being in 1994 to work on the concept of’ nature, people and rights’. The focus of the organization is nature related issues such as climate change, people related issues such as vulnerability of displacement of poor and marginalized sections of society in market society and rights in the context of constitutional rights and citizenship entitlements. The approach of NISARGA is rights based. Methodology is people based and participatory. Organizational strategy is a combination of ‘process and results’ for sustainable outcome and impact.
NISARGA was promoted in 1994 with the primary focus of building/ strengthening membership based people’s movements to promote the rights of deprived communities and sections of the society, with specific focus on women and children.
Nisarga is committed to educating rural and informal workers, youth women and children about their socio-economic rights enshrined in the constitution of India. We collaborate with membership-based community-level CSOs which function democratically giving special focus to the rights of most marginalized groups. We also engage in educating small and marginal farmers about bio-diversity-based agriculture and also collaborate with organisations that have been working on similar kind of food security and sovereignty programs in the country.
Nisarga has conducted a study and research on the draft Social Security Code and submitted our recommendations to the government of India and subsequently came out with the 5 most needy demands of informal workers. The code is translated into 7 languages in India and circulated..
Key focus of the organization is on child protection, child rights and child development.
National level lobby and network with likeminded organisations and movements for pro-labor and pro-poor legislations and implementation of existing laws with focus on rights of children.
Geographical area
Geographical area of operation include:
Protect and sustain natural capital, namely land, water, forest and agriculture from depletion and exploitation of market and mainstream structures and systems to ensure equity and quality of life indicated through food sovereignty and food security for the most vulnerable communities of Indian society. Being vigilant, recognize and respond to the anti-people, anti women and anti children policies of the state and society. To promote pro-people, pro women and pro children policies, action and alternatives through building viable forums and platforms for deprived communities from class, caste, gender and age aggregate from human and developmental rights perspectives.
22-1096, S.B.I. Colony, Kongareddipalli, Chittoor - 517 001. Andhra Pradesh